Right Here, Right Now (Photography And Other Essentials)

I’ve just updated my About Now page, outlining what I’m up to with my photography, reading, music and other things.

Please take a look if you’re interested.

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4 thoughts on “Right Here, Right Now (Photography And Other Essentials)”

  1. Right now I’m working from home, as I have for almost a year now… waiting for a process to run and at the same time listening to the sound of rain on youtube, to drawn out any ambience noises that can distract me…
    This might sound strange, especially for me beinga musician, but I don’t listen to music when I’m working. I find it distracting as I try to analyze the music production, identify what each instrument is doing, etc… so I find the sound of rain to be more neutral and non-distracting, and when you find some good channels, their sounds are like music to the ears 🙂
    Photography, wise, I’m here wishing I was out shooting somewhere….

    1. No I completely understand about the rain music, I do the same sometimes if I’m reading and there are background distractions. Anything other than rain sounds or something similar, and I tend to focus on the music more than the book!

    1. Glad you like the photo Sherry. Sorry to hear about your refund, can’t they offer it in credit against a potential future ticket? Or has the company folded?

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