Why An iPhone Can’t (Yet) Be My One And Only Camera

Ever wanting to minimise my camera kit, it's crossed my mind more than once than a camera phone could be the only one I need. Which would be ironic, as this is how I began photographing with intention over a decade ago, years before I discovered film, or knew what any of those intimidating and… Continue reading Why An iPhone Can’t (Yet) Be My One And Only Camera

Guilty Secrets And The Great Film Fallout 2017

This feels something of a confessional. I started writing 35hunter in late 2015 with the following intentions - 35hunter is a diary of my photography hunting adventures. The three things I’m hunting for are – Beautiful objects and scenes to capture with a photograph. Usually using 35mm film cameras. The ideal camera. Or, more realistically, a small collection… Continue reading Guilty Secrets And The Great Film Fallout 2017