Into The Light

One of photography's common rules is "don't shoot into the light". It's one I'm quite fond of breaking. Especially with cheaper cameras/lenses that flare and create interesting effects. How about you, do you enjoy shooting into the light? Please let us know below, and feel free to link to your photographs (and don’t forget to tick… Continue reading Into The Light

Bored Of Photography? 5 Ideas To Reignite Your Passion

Most of us at some time or other feel bored, uninspired or otherwise stuck with our photography. Here are five ideas to help if you find yourself photographically frustrated. 1. Shoot 50 photographs in one room I've tried this experiment twice (the results are here and here) and the premise is simple - lock yourself… Continue reading Bored Of Photography? 5 Ideas To Reignite Your Passion

Finding Your Forever Camera

There's an expression amongst house hunters - "finding our forever home" - which means finding the property you plan to spend the rest of your life in. But how does this apply to us photographers? Is there such thing as a "Forever Camera"? Personally I can name a handful of digital cameras I could happily… Continue reading Finding Your Forever Camera

How 3000 Yoga Sessions Have Enhanced My Photography

In the middle of 2010 I was coming out of a pursuit that I'd loved and been hugely immersed in for nearly five years - salsa dancing and teaching. For various reasons, it was time for a change - or at least a break - so I was looking for alternative ways to enjoy regular… Continue reading How 3000 Yoga Sessions Have Enhanced My Photography