All I Need Now Is A Camera Phone?

On the recent occasions where I've been out for a walk without a "proper" dedicated camera, and found something interesting to capture, I've just reached for my camera phone. Currently this is an Android Realme 6 Pro which I introduced previously. The Realme houses the most sophisticated camera I've had in a phone. A relatively… Continue reading All I Need Now Is A Camera Phone?

Discovering The Real Me (6 Pro)

Not wanting to be too much of a slave to the upgrade parade with anything, nonetheless I do have to succumb to planned obsolescence periodically, or my devices become more irritating than enabling. My last couple of phones (an iPhone 5C then Sony Xperia) managed about three years each. The latter reached the point where… Continue reading Discovering The Real Me (6 Pro)

How Does A Smartphone Feature In Your Photography Life?

There's no getting away from the ubiquity of smartphones these days. Virtually everyone in the developed world has one, and most of them have a more than usable camera on board. As I've written previously, I'm not ready to rely purely on my smartphone (currently a Sony Xperia Android) for photography. Nothing against the camera's… Continue reading How Does A Smartphone Feature In Your Photography Life?