Coming Back To What You Know

Recently I've found myself coming back to some older things I'm familiar with. Partly perhaps as a natural reaction to the endless stream of changes made necessary by 15 months and counting in some form of lockdown due to a global pandemic. And perhaps partly just because I really enjoy these things I've returned to.… Continue reading Coming Back To What You Know

Broken Yet Still Beautiful – An Old Petri M42 Lens

Being a big fan of 55mm M42 lenses, about a year ago I came across an unusual Petri CC Auto 55mm f/1.8. I wrote then about how the Petri impressed me. With my little Samsung GX-1S back in action - incidentally the same camera I first used with the Petri last year - I decided… Continue reading Broken Yet Still Beautiful – An Old Petri M42 Lens

An Old Friend, Back For The Summer?

After using almost nothing but my phone camera and the Lumix FZ38 bridge camera for about eight months, I had the urge yesterday to return to a DSLR. And of course to this Pentax devotee, that means only one option. Well, only one brand, I should say, I do have four Pentax DSLRs. One of… Continue reading An Old Friend, Back For The Summer?

You Can’t Go Home Again, Can You? The Samsung GX-1S Returns

Back in 2017 I discovered a game changing digital camera, the Pentax K10D. Its colour output, plus general handling and pleasure to use, meant I never looked back at the very capable and adaptable, but ultimately soulless (in body, and in the final image) Sony NEX 3N I had on heavy rotation with manual lenses… Continue reading You Can’t Go Home Again, Can You? The Samsung GX-1S Returns

One Month One Camera – July 2020 (III) – The Perfect Balance?

For July I embarked on another chapter of my ongoing One Month One Camera (OMOC) project.  You can read the original premise here, or see all OMOC posts here. This time around I used my Samsung GX-1S, a Pentax K mount DSLR from 2006 with a 6MP sensor and nothing more than the essentials, not… Continue reading One Month One Camera – July 2020 (III) – The Perfect Balance?